How to Get Back on Track with Your Health Resolutions

by Miranda Marquit · 0 comments

One of the ways that you can reduce your overall costs in life is to improve your health. Cutting your health care costs is often a matter of comparison shopping and engaging in healthier habits. Unfortunately, according to information reported by LabDoor, resolutions for health habits are the ones we are most likely to break.

What are the Most Common Resolutions?

The most common resolutions, according to LabDoor, are:

  1. Lose weight
  2. Get organized
  3. Spend less and save more
  4. Enjoy life
  5. Stay fit and healthy

It’s no surprise that these items are among the most popular resolutions every year. After all, they are what many of us would like to improve on in our own lives. However, actually following through with these resolutions is easier said than done.

As a result, the most common resolutions that we break are:

  • Eat healthier
  • Lose weight
  • Minimize stress

These are health resolutions that can help us live better, true, but also help us save money. Many of the actions that we take in order to eat better, lose weight, and minimize stress can also save us money. Plus, there are savings that come with needing fewer health care services.

Unfortunately, it’s now February, and for many of us the excitement of setting resolutions has passed. In fact, “real life” might have set in and put us in a position where we feel like we’ve failed in our goals.

While you might have gotten off track, it’s important not to view yourself as a failure. Instead, realize that you are a work in progress. Just because you’ve had a setback it doesn’t mean that you won’t be able to eventually reach your goals. Don’t wait for another year to start to make new resolutions; get back on track right now.

How to Reset Your Health Resolutions

First of all, don’t fall into the trap of believing that you can’t improve once you’ve “failed” on a goal. It’s not like you can’t start all over again. Think in terms of ongoing progress. That way, you can measure how far you’ve come, rather than getting hung up on the fact that you “slipped up.”

Next, evaluate your goals. Why do you want to achieve them? I want to lose weight and eat healthier because I know that I’ll feel better and have more energy. Plus, the exercise will improve my mood so that I have better relationships with my son and husband. Finding reasons to encourage changing for the better can help you stick with it, and be motivated to keep moving forward.

Finally, take baby steps. You don’t need to lose 10 pounds by next month to be successful. Instead, make small and achievable changes in your every day life that will result in lost weight by the end of the year. Step up your efforts. Say you’ll exercise 10 minutes a day for two weeks before stepping up to 15 minutes, and then to 20, and so on. Most of us can’t just add exercise to the daily routine without stepping up slowly. And that’s true of most things, whether it’s healthier eating or adding meditation to reduce stress.

Once you are realistic about your expectations, and you decide to press forward now, you’ll be more likely to get back on track.

Bonus Tip:

Did you know that you can save money with Netflix? Even if you don't plan on using the service, you should at least sign up for the Netflix free trial here to get some free movies for a month.

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