While it’s no secret that there are plenty web sites that offer you access to some of the best deals and coupons, it’s also worth noting that there are shopping apps that can make it easier than ever to find the right deals and comparison shop. If you have a smart phone, you can get access to the best deals and coupons in the palm of your hand:

1. Favado

This is a grocery shopping app that can provide you with deals and coupons based on your shopping list. There are more than 65,000 grocery stores and drugstores in the database, but you can focus on local stores. Create your shopping list with Favado, and the app will match you with the deals; no scouring through flyers for sales and coupons.

2. PriceBlink

This is actually an add-on for your browser, so it works best when you are on your desktop or laptop, or using an iPad. As you search online for a product, it alerts to lower prices on other sites. This saves you the trouble of looking through aggregators or flitting from site to site looking for the best deal. You end up with the best price automatically.

3. RedLaser

This is a barcode scanner on steroids. Not only can you scan the barcode, but you can also simply snap a picture of the item. RedLaser will look at the item, and then let you know what else is available, whether it’s at the store down the street, or at an online retailer. It’s a fast and easy way to comparison shop.

4. SaleSorter

Take your quest for the best sales to the next level. SaleSorter focuses on your locality. You get access to a database of local sales so that you can easily find where to get good deals. You can use SaleSorter to create a route for you, as when you’re at the mall looking for the best way to approach your shopping spree. It’s also possible to customize SaleSorter so that your favorite stores are prominently displayed.

5. Mashalot

If you want to get into social shopping as part of your effort to find the best deals, this app can be a good choice. You get access to shopping trends, as well as get access to the best prices and deals on thousands of items. One of the great things about this app is that you can comment on items (and see your friends’ comments). It’s also possible to build wishlists so that your friends and family can see what you want, and so that you can see when something you like goes on sale.

6. BuyVia

Use this app to find sales and deals from professional shoppers. Pick items you are interested in, and when they go on sale, you receive an alert. No need to buy now if something will go on sale later. This app also comes with a bar code scanner so you can comparison shop while you are out and about.

7. RetailMeNot

As you shop, use this app to find deals on your favorite things. Get codes online, or get them on your phone so that you don’t have to carry coupons around.

Ways to Save on Shipping Costs

by Jessica Sommerfield · 0 comments

“Plus shipping and handling” — it’s a phrase we’re used to as part of a modern-day online shopping experience. We expect to pay a fee for the convenience of having our purchases shipped directly to our door, but how much we  have to pay for it is a matter of concern when considering a purchase.  Do you know how much you’re spending on shipping? It doesn’t usually seem like much, especially compared to the cost of the items purchased.  But, according to a recent announcement by FedEx, that might change soon.

 By this fall, shipping rates will most likely be increasing, by as much as 40%.  The company is considering adjusting their rates based on package size, instead of by weight alone.  This will allow them to charge more for bulky but lightweight items. Unfortunately, the change will hit a lot of consumes where it hurts since online shopping has become extremely popular, even for household items like toilet tissue and diapers. According to the new FedEx pricing, these items will not cost more to ship. We don’t know yet if UPS will follow suite, but they usually do.  While we don’t know yet how  drastically the changes will affect retailers’ pricing and shipping rates, there are ways to prepare yourself for this increased “cost of convenience.”

Know Your Options
Most online stores default their shipping options to standard shipping (usually USPS, FedEx, or UPS Ground) which is usually estimated to take 7-10 business days.  You can pay more for expedited shipping, or, if you’re in a real rush, overnight shipping. As the prices rise, you can save money by being aware of which options are available to you, and choosing the cheapest one possible.  Waiting a little longer for an item you won’t die without can save you several dollars each time you do business online.

Shop Strategically
Customers who purchase several items at one time save companies money on packaging and handling fees,  a savings they pass on to their shoppers in the form of incentives. For instance,  many retailers offer free shipping on orders over $50.  While I don’t recommend buying something you don’t need or even really want  just to reach the free shipping threshold, if you’re going to buy it anyway, why not do it all at once?  Plan out your shopping so you’re not making several small orders throughout the month, but rather a few larger ones.

Plan Ahead for Gifts
This goes along with the last point. By shopping for gifts well in advance, you’ll avoid the crisis of having to rush-ship items because you need them by a certain date. I’ve done this before, and it’s frustrating to think I could have spent a lot less if I’d just planned ahead. If you didn’t plan ahead and expedited shipping will be outrageous, you might be better off shopping for something locally and planning better the next time.

Discount Memberships
Certain online retailers, such as Amazon, offer free shipping to paying members. For a fee of $99 a year, Amazon Prime ships all your packages for free. Of course, it’s not really free — you paid $99. But if you order from Amazon frequently enough, your shipping costs for a year could easily surpass that, so $99 would represent a savings. It’s not for everyone, but it’s worth looking into, especially if you’re frequently ordering packages for a small business or do all of your shopping online.

Shipping costs are an inevitable part of shopping online, and they’re not as easy to negotiate or find a better deal on. Following these tips can help offset some of the cost, but, as always, choosing not to spend money is the best way to save!

To listen to the popular media, you’d think that losing weight involves a significant monetary expense. The idea that purchasing special food, supplements, books, programs, equipment, training or anything else is necessary to increase or guarantee the speedy and easy shedding of pounds is simply untrue. Diet aids have been around for decades and, although the products themselves and the manner in which they’re advertised have changed, their efficacy has not. No matter the plan, potion or promises, there’s no new way to lose weight; it still only happens when more calories are burned than are consumed. Period.

The number of people willing to pay for help with weight loss continues to increase, giving the “diet industry” a willing, if ill-informed customer base. Even if you happen to drop some weight while using a diet aid, there’s no proof that you couldn’t have lost the weight without it and avoided losing money along with pounds. The goal is to lose weight, not money.

Tips for cost-free weight loss

The most important element for weight loss is to avoid the “diet mentality” of deprivation. Instead, embrace the concept of making healthier choices. Better overall eating and activity habits are key. Avoid unnecessary spending to achieve your weight loss goals by taking a patient and practical route to attain them, including:

  • Set reasonable goals for your weight and weight loss – Consult with your doctor to determine your target weight.
  • Inform yourself – In order to keep your expectations reasonable, find ways to monitor your efforts. There’s plenty of help out there, like, My Fitness Pal, a free app that provides information about the calories in foods and calories burned by activities while helping you determine your daily caloric needs to reach your weight goal according to your present age, weight and height.
  • Determine practical, doable means to get there – Whether it’s increasing your activity, cutting out certain foods from your diet and incorporating others, portion control or a combination of these factors, make changes you can live with over the long term. Invest in foods rich in nutrition to get the greatest benefit from your grocery dollars. Avoid choking down foods you despise or engaging in activities you don’t enjoy. There’s a whole world of choices out there – so choose those with which you can comfortably live. It’s also reasonable to allow yourself an occasional “splurge” so you can feel less deprived as you continue to cultivate healthier eating and activity habits.
  • Seek out support – There’s no need to go your weight loss alone! Isolation will only make it more difficult to stay the course. When friends and family are aware of your weight loss goals, they can support and encourage your healthier lifestyle.
  • Monitor your progress without obsessing – Weigh in on a regular basis to make sure you continue to move in the right direction but don’t allow the scale to measure your overall success or self image. Plateaus are to be expected as your body adjusts to its new condition. You’ll push through them with perseverance. Weight that comes off slowly due to prudent choices is more likely to stay off than weight that comes off due to drastic dietary changes. Focus on the journey and you’ll reach the destination.

The desire to keep our weight under control is an age-old issue. There’s no need to spend money on anything to facilitate the process of weight loss. When you don’t seek a “magic bullet,” you’ll discover you have all the power and motivation within yourself to lose those extra pounds.

What are your tips for no-cost weight loss?

One of the best things you can do for your finances is to create a financial plan. Too often, we focus on what is happening today. While it is important to get the best bang for your buck, and while you do want to make sure that you are saving money where you can, you also need to look to the future. A long-term financial plan can help you integrate your choices of today into your long-term wealth tomorrow.

Deciding on a Financial Plan

Your first step in deciding on a financial plan should be looking to the future and trying to determine what you want to accomplish in your life. While you probably want to pay down debt right now, or cut back on your grocery bill, these aren’t the things that are going to color your lifestyle in the long-term. Instead, you need to look at your finances holistically.

Consider what you want your future to look like. How do you want to be living in five years? What about 15 years? How do you want your retirement to look? You need to look far into the future to determine what you want to happen. Whether you want time to travel, learn a new hobby, or just be able to relax and visit with friends and family, you need to figure out what you ideal lifestyle looks like.

Looking ahead is an important part of financial planning, since what you do now sets the stage for the future. If all you do is look at the short-term, and you don’t look beyond next month’s bills, you will be less likely to live comfortably in retirement, or be able to accomplish some of the long-term goals you might have.

Take the time to decide what you want to have happen in your life. While you can’t plan for every eventuality, you can make strides that allow you to make choices that can help you later on. It’s possible for you to create a general feeling of financial freedom, and open up your options, when you consider your ability to save for emergencies, as well as your ability to set aside money for retirement, and even to create a situation in which you can enjoy your life today. A financial plan can help you do that.

Directing Your Financial Resources

In order to create a successful financial plan that can see you through the long-term, it’s important to see yourself as directing financial resources. Don’t view your money simply as something that you spend or save. Look at it in terms of resources. What can your money help you accomplish? What’s important to you now and in the future? Once you start looking at your money that way, it’s easier to create a financial plan that you can get behind. You can see your financial plan as a way to enhance your life, rather than a restriction on your desires. Figure out what’s truly important to you, and then build your financial plan around those things, keeping in mind that what you do today can affect you in the future.

5 Reasons to Get 8 Hours of Sleep

by Jessica Sommerfield · 0 comments

Both the quality and quantity of sleep you get every night affects multiple areas of your life, whether your realize it or not. If most of us are honest, we don’t get the recommended 7-8 hours of sleep every day, and that is largely due to our busy lifestyles and –let’s face it — late-night television.  There’s a reason experts say our bodies need that much sleep, and I’m sure you’ve experienced the affects of sleep deprivation: sluggishness, burning eyes, headaches, irritability, and an inability to concentrate, to name a few. Sure, there are certain people that function very well on little sleep, but just imagine how much better they’d function with adequate rest? Besides the immediate symptoms of sleep deprivation, there can be long-term affects.  While there are numerous reasons why you should be getting sufficient z’s every night, here are at least eight important ones.

Better Health
Your body isn’t able to repair itself or bolster its immunity unless you’re sleeping enough (and uninterrupted). Sufficient rest helps you maintain better health in general, and heart health, specifically.  Sickness and health problems can drastically affect your quality of life, your work attendance (and possibly your job), and will cost you more in health insurance deductibles and medications.  So, you see, your health affects more than just your body.

More Productivity
When you’re sleep-deprived, you’re more likely to be sluggish and take a longer time accomplishing tasks because your energy levels haven’t been restored. I know this is true, because it takes me longer to get ready in the morning if I’m tired! This affects your entire day, and can continue to reduce your productivity if sleep deprivation continues. Not only will you be less productive at work, and possibly get overlooked for a promotion because your output is lacking, but you’ll be less engaged at home, whether spending quality time with your family or balancing the budget.

A Better Attitude
Not getting enough sleep makes people cranky (I’ve noticed this affect is particularly bad when coupled with hunger!).  You’ll be less congenial to your coworkers, friends, and family, and even like yourself less when you’re sleep deprived. A positive attitude and a pleasant, patient disposition are just plain easier and more effortless when you’re not overtired.

Better Decision Making
Casinos stay open late for a reason. Late-night gamblers are more likely to make risky decisions with their money because the more sleep-deprived they become, the more they focus on a positive outcome and forget any negative repercussions. Sleep-deprived people are impulsive and less reasoning (too tired to think), which is a sure recipe for financial mistakes. If you add alcohol to the mix, the affect is even stronger.  Of course,  a good night’s rest is also crucial to other important life decisions. Sufficient rest ensures all your faculties are fully functioning and there will be fewer regrets from your decisions.

Better finances
We established that sleep-deprived people are more impulsive and less likely to dwell on negative side affects of their decisions. Clearly you should avoid gambling into the night or on little sleep, but the amount of rest you get also affects your every-day financial health. It’s safe to say you’ll be more susceptible to sales tactics and impulse buys when you’re sleep deprived and not thinking clearly. You might also be too tired to work on your budget or pick up a side job for extra cash. Better sleep is one of many keys to better finances.

As you can see, getting 7-8 hours of sleep every day affects more than just how you feel. Do what it takes to get the sleep your body needs, whether turning off the television, setting your alarm for a bedtime reminder, exercising more, or reducing your caffeine intake.

Can you think of any other ways sufficient sleep has a positive affect on your life?

Families of seniors and those with certain disabilities want to be assured that their loved ones can maintain as much independence as possible. It’s important that these folks have the opportunity to live where they prefer; safely, securely and with the support they require to enjoy a high quality of life. One way to ensure that seniors and the disabled can have a greater degree of safe independence is to equip them with emergency alert technology.

Emergency alert technology provides these folks the ability to receive safety and medical assistance whenever they need it. This technology, in its simplest form is a “S.O.S.” button that can be pressed by an individual experiencing a medical or safety emergency. Newer technology includes enhanced features which detect and protect against a wider array of situations.

There are numerous emergency alert systems available, offering a wide array of services. Choosing the appropriate one for its intended user will ensure maximum benefit and peace-of-mind at an affordable cost.

Factors to consider when choosing an emergency alert system:

Features – In general, emergency alert systems are comprised of an alarm/sensor worn by the user and a means of transmission (such as a base unit or GPS-enabled device) which relays information to an emergency center which routes the information appropriately to dispatch assistance. If the user is housebound, a base unit connected to their telephone line will be sufficient to relay emergency information. If the user is mobile, a GPS-enabled device may be more appropriate for providing emergency assistance wherever they may be.

Services – Some companies provide a full suite of services beyond an emergency button to press when a user experiences a medical problem. Among them are 24/7 monitoring of individuals’ vital signs and their homes and fall-detected alerts. Be certain you and the user understand what action will be taken by the service provider when an emergency is detected so everyone involved knows what to expect and that everything is taken care of.

Reputation – Reliability is critical in this industry. Research a variety of companies to find the most trusted and effective services.

Usability – If the user finds the emergency alert system too complicated or fears they may use it “wrong,” he or she may not bother to wear it or use it when needed. Especially in a panic situation, the goal is for the user not to hesitate to deploy the device to get help. Buttons should be easy to access and use; devices should not be cumbersome to wear.

Cost – Prices vary considerably among emergency alert systems. Much of that variation is due to the services provided. Other cost variations pertain to billing; for instance, whether the system components are paid for upfront or included in the monthly service charge.

Attitude – Regardless of features, services or usability, the user must be on board with the need for the system. Some elderly or disabled may feel that having such a service underscores their frailties or infirmities. Emphasize how an emergency alert system can enhance their independence while providing peace-of-mind. The more comfortable they feel with the system, the more likely they are to actually wear it so it can help them if needed. No matter the cost of an emergency alert system, it’s worth nothing when it’s not worn.

Consider the needs of the user and his or her predisposition to use an emergency alert system. It can be tremendously helpful in giving seniors and the disabled and their families a sense of security – but only when it’s actually understood and used.

Do you know someone who could benefit from an emergency alert system?

One of the more interesting ways to save money on living costs — and possibly make money on the side — is to take on a boarder. More than 150 years ago, it wasn’t uncommon for someone struggling to allow lodgers in their homes, although the practice died out over time. Having someone else around to help pay the costs of housing can reduce your own costs, and possibly even help you make a little extra money.

These days, some people are once again open to the idea of letting someone else move in. Having someone to pay rent to you can reduce your housing costs, since you can put the amount toward the mortgage. If your lodger is willing to share grocery costs and utility costs as well, you can save even more in the long run.

Permanent Residents

Before you allow someone to move in with you and pay you rent, it’s important to understand the statutes in your city. In some cases, even if you own a home, you can’t have non-relatives living with you in areas zoned for single-family residences. If you are renting an apartment, you might need to check with the landlord about the rules involved with adding another tenant.

Once you find out that the whole thing is acceptable, you can get started. Make sure that you perform a background check. This can cost money, but remember that you are inviting someone to share your space. A background check is especially important if you have children. You don’t want an unsavory character living under your roof with access to your loved ones and your possessions.

As with any tenant agreement, you need to spell out the terms, getting a signed agreement from your lodger. Make sure that he or she understands the rate, and what is included in that rate. A rental agreement is a good template for this type of arrangement.

What about Temporary Lodgers?

In some cases, people are finding success with temporary lodgers. Web sites like Airbnb allow you to put your home “out there” for others to see. They can come stay with you for a few days while on vacation, or you can even rent out the home while you are gone. That way, you can make a little money on the side, even when you are on vacation.

Once again, you have to be prepared to offset some of the risk that comes with having strangers in your home. Make sure your valuables are properly locked up. You can also check user profiles and ratings on most sites that provide these services. Be sure to properly vet anyone who pays to stay in your home.

These are ways that you can use your living space to your advantage. Every little bit helps when you are trying to live more frugally. If you can cut your living costs — and perhaps even make money and come out ahead — it might make sense to consider renting out a room in your house, or even your whole house.

Most people have debt. Even if you don’t have ‘bad debt’, such as credit card balances, you’ve probably had to take out a loan at some point for major purchases such as a vehicle or home. If you’re interested in becoming more financially secure, however, debt reduction is major step.  The most effective way to repay your debts is often referred to as a snowball effect — paying off the smallest debt you owe, which frees up funds to roll on to the next largest debt, and so on. Other financial advisers suggest paying off the debt with the highest interest rate first, or consolidating all your debt into one low interest rate credit card or loan.

Getting motivated
Whatever your preferred method, debt repayment can be hard because it requires sacrifice, and often takes a long time. This gets discouraging.  One way I’ve discovered to put some motivation and excitement into debt elimination is to calculate the unearned interest if you pay off your debts early.  When you look at what you owe, it’s easy to overlook the factor of finance charges. The amount you originally finance with your bank or lender isn’t what you pay. The lender charges you interest, usually accrued on a monthly basis, which increases the total amount you end up paying back.  Because of this, the earlier you pay off a debt, the less you’ll be paying in interest. 

But how do you determine how much interest you *won’t* be paying on your debt if you pay it off, say, today??  
That’s a good question. In the financial world, there are a few formulas used to do this, known as the actuarial method, and the Rule of 78. If you’re like me, you don’t want to know or do any more math than you have to. Thankfully, there are so many online financial calculators these days, you won’t have to do anything but plug in the specifics of your loan to find out what you’ll save. Sites such as powerofinterest.com or freecreditscore.com offer such calculators to help you figure out what you won’t owe if you pay now.

Of course, you might not have enough free funds to completely pay off your debt right now. Even eliminating several payments from your remaining number of payments makes a big impact on how much total interest you’ll be paying. The key is to make extra payments whenever possible so you will pay off your debts early. An easy way to do this is to use large, unexpected or un-budgeted sums of money, such as income tax returns, side jobs, or money gifts (instead of spending them).

If you do this, you will:

  1. Be debt free sooner, which means more financial freedom for savings goals
  2. Pay less financing charges, which also saves you money
  3. Improve your credit score, which will give you better loan terms in the future (and, you guessed it — saves you money)

Debt elimination is never easy. It’s a discipline and a process, but the reward is always worth it. Use this method to get you motivated, or find your own, but find some inspiration and achieve your goals.

After a long winter in many parts of the country, it’s finally grilling season! Grilling represents the casual outdoor lifestyle we long to experience when the weather allows. Grilling not only keeps the heat of cooking out of the house but imparts distinctive flavor and provides a variety of cooking methods. Are you in the market for a grill this year?

Pick Your Fuel

The two major grill categories are gas and charcoal. In general, the difference between them have to do with convenience and the flavor they impart.

Gas grills – Gas grills operate on either propane or natural gas. Propane grills need to be hooked up to a propane tank; natural gas grills need to be connected to a natural gas line. Apart from the source of their fuel, they operate the same – lighting and heating up quickly and easily – and maintaining even temperatures. To ensure high-quality construction, look for gas grills made entirely of stainless steel or of cast aluminum.

Charcoal grills – These grills burn charcoal to produce cooking heat and flame. When using a charcoal grill, you must allow enough time to light the charcoal, then allow it to burn until it turns white, indicating proper cooking temperature. Charcoal grills impart a smoky flavor to foods cooked on them, making them preferable to gas grills to some people. Stainless steel charcoal grills are the highest quality and longest lasting.

Once you’ve decided between gas and charcoal, determine how much you’re willing to spend on a grill. Generally, the more “extras,” the more you’ll pay.

Choosing Among Grill Features

Address these issues and features as they pertain to your preferences and grilling habits:

  • Cooking space – This refers to the total cooking area. The larger the quantity of foods you cook regularly, the more space you’ll want to have available.
  • Storage of grill – Where will your grill “live?” Will it always be outdoors, exposed to the elements? Will you wheel it into a protected area after each use? This will determine whether you choose a grill with wheels or a heavier, more stationary model.
  • Cooking grate material – Heavy cast iron grates are the most durable and hold heat extremely well. High-quality porcelain coated cast iron is a suitable, albeit chippable, substitute.
  • Ignition type – Many gas grills – and some charcoal ones – are equipped with a convenient electric ignitor which lights the grill with the push of a button, eliminating the need to use a lighter.
  • Warming rack – This raised surface of your grill allows you to keep already-cooked food warm or to allow it to cook via carryover heat while you prepare the rest of the meal.
  • Thermometer – This tells you the temperature inside your grill for more accurate cooking conditions.
  • Rotisserie – It’s a rotating “skewer” for cooking larger cuts of meat, like whole chickens, legs of lamb or pork roasts. If you plan to use your grill for hamburgers, steak, kabobs, vegetables and chicken pieces, a rotisserie isn’t an extra worth getting.

These are features to consider for gas grills only:

  • Number of burners – The more burners, the more different temperature zones you can control for different cooking heat requirements.
  • Side burner – This extra adds a burner to your grill’s configuration. Determine if a side burner is really something you can see yourself using before assuming that you need it.

Like with any big-ticket item, it’s best to assess your needs and learn what’s available (and for how much) before hitting the marketplace. Buy the highest-quality grill you can for your budget and get cooking!

What features are important when you grill?

When it comes to self-improvement, whether you’re talking money or relationships, it can sometimes help to step out of your comfort zone on occasion. If you always live in your comfort zone, you aren’t growing. Sometimes, you have to stretch in order to grow, and stepping outside your comfort zone can help you do that.

Of course, the point is to stretch, not become overwhelmed. Here are a few tips for stepping outside your comfort zone in a way that helps you grow and progress:

Take a Small Step

You don’t need to leap outside your comfort zone. Instead, start with a small step. If you aren’t comfortable meeting new people, you can start by approaching someone with a smile and extending your hand. It’s difficult for me to connect with people I don’t know, so sometimes I force myself to smile and say hi to someone new. In many cases, simply saying hi can be a good first step toward getting more comfortable with other people.

Take small steps in other ways, too. If you are concerned about growing your wealth through investing, you can take a small step outside your comfort zone by starting with $50 and an index fund. You don’t have to start investing by taking a huge leap to invest a large amount of capital in a single stock. That’s a risk that many people wouldn’t be comfortable with.

Start small, and eventually your comfort zone will shift. When that happens, you can take another small step, outside your new comfort zone, and in that way keep moving forward.

Consider a Different Viewpoint

Many of us are comfortable with our current views. However, if you constantly look only for views and ideas that you are comfortable with, you run the risk of losing out to bias. While there’s no way to completely avoid bias, the reality is that living in a comfortable bubble means that you don’t always make the best decisions, since you don’t have sufficient information to make a reasoned decision.

Instead, consider a different viewpoint. It might make you uncomfortable to learn about a budgeting technique different from what you’re used to, or you might not like the implications that come when you read something that challenges what you think is true. However, getting outside your comfort zone, even inside your head, can help you gain new information. You might even find that this new information leads to a better way of doing things in your life.

You don’t always have to accept other views, or agree with them, but entertaining them can help you get more — and better — information that can improve your life.

Learn Something New

It’s not always easy to learn something new. However, when you step out of your comfort zone to read a different book, study another language, listen to a different type of music, or grasp a scientific concept, you can grow as a person, and become more knowledgeable. We like to be surrounded by the old, but if you take a step out of your comfort zone to learn something new, you’ll grow as person and your life will be enriched.