Only Get the Coupons You Want with CoupSmart

by Miranda Marquit · 1 comment

The recession has re-introduced many to the idea of using coupons. Unfortunately, as you might have noticed when looking through the coupon offers you receive, it is fairly obvious that many of the coupons are not even for things that you need or want. Indeed, when I look through the coupons I get in the mail, or in fliers with the newspaper, I am often frustrated by the fact that many of these coupons aren’t particularly useful in my situation. Wouldn’t it be nice if you only got the coupons you wanted?

In addition to finding coupons online, which can be a great way to get targeted offers and personalized coupons, you can also sign up for CoupSmart. The idea is that you can receive targeted offers and coupons for things that you want, by scanning what you already have.

How CoupSmart Works

You do have to sign up online (free) and you do need to have a smart phone and download the free app. Right now, the app is only available for iPhone, but the company plans to roll out the app for Android and Blackberry soon.

The app is a scanning app. You use your smart phone to scan the barcode of items that you are interested in. Go through your pantry, or scan your favorite beauty product. The information is stored. Then, you receive targeted offers focusing on items related to what you have scanned. You can get free samples, as well as coupons. This way, instead of being bombarded with useless spam, you get access to what you will actually use, saving you time as you make the effort to save money and live frugally.

In addition to offering targeted samples and coupons, CoupSmart also allows your to earn rewards, prize and swag. You can be entered to win on a daily, weekly and monthly basis.  One of the more popular contests is the Seek & Scan, where CoupSmart sends users out to scan a particular item (makes it easy if you already have it at home). It’s a fun way to see if you can get a little more free stuff.

If you are worried about your privacy, CoupSmart claims that it keeps information confidential. While partner companies do receive basic demographic data, such as age and gender, etc., CoupSmart insists that it does not share your name or address with these companies. This way, you are not hit with unwanted offers from companies.

You should realize, though, that CoupSmart only sends out your samples and coupons once a month. So you scan, and your information collected. Then, CoupSmart goes to its partners with the information, and finds deals, samples and coupons that would be of interest to you. If you use this system, you will have to get into a rhythm that takes into account the monthly nature of the program.

I don’t have a smart phone, so I can’t use CoupSmart (and CoupSmart didn’t compensate me for this post), but I think it looks like an interesting service. It could really work for someone who wants a fast, easy way to let get personalized bargains.

Bonus Tip:

Another way to save on your monthly Internet and TV costs is to find a current ATT U-Verse coupon code or at least a promotion to knock down your home service bill.

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Rachel March 13, 2013 at 11:11 am

I went to the website. It appears to appeal to businesses, but I see no mention of or access to this CoupSmart app for consumers. I can’t find the app in iTunes or generally online. So disappointed!

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