High Impact, Low Cost Valentine’s Day Gifts

by Gina Blitstein · 0 comments

Many people celebrate Valentine’s Day by bestowing something special upon their loved one or loved ones. Whether it’s a trinket or a treat – it’s all about indulging them in something that makes them feel cherished.

The key to choosing the perfect indulgence is to appeal to the preferences of the recipient. Fortunately for our budgets, this can be accomplished in many ways without spending a lot of money. Consider the things that are most precious to your special someone and you’ll be on the way to discovering the perfect Valentine’s gift.

It’s not what you spend

Time – More than something they can hold in their hand, your loved one may appreciate the gift of your time. Especially in these busy days when we are occupied on so many different levels, the sheer simplicity of spending time with someone is invaluable. Like money, it’s a resource we manage so to be generous with it makes a clear statement about the depth of our devotion.

  • Offer your presence. A uninterrupted day or evening spent indulging in a hobby, watching movies, listening to music or playing games may be the best way to show your loved one that you appreciate them and enjoy spending time with him or her.
  • Offer your efforts. The expression about the shoemaker’s children having no shoes is, sadly, true. We tend to devote our time to other commitments while neglecting to attend to the needs of our special people. Give your loved one the gift of completing that long-overdue project around the house that only you have the ability to finish.
  • Offer your talents. There are a myriad of ways you can give the gift of your special abilities: Make them a website. Put their precious photographs online. Make a family tree. Paint them a picture. Crochet them a scarf. Bake them something yummy.

Pampering – Everyone has their own definition of pampering. Make your special one feel validated by choosing a specific indulgence you know they will appreciate.

  • Enable a pleasure. Indulge him or her in an activity they don’t – or won’t – do for themselves. It could be anything from a massage, manicure or pedicure to putting up their feet while you cook a meal or do a chore for them.
  • Treat them. Sign them up for a movie or game service or satellite radio. It’s an inexpensive way to give them a little something that they’ll appreciate every day but wouldn’t necessarily get for themselves
  • Ease their life. Relieve your loved ones of a chore or two. Pay for a yard care service to mow the lawn for your Sweetheart. Give them a vist from a cleaning service.

Personalized gifts – It’s easy to find an inexpensive way to treat someone when you take their interests to heart. Personalized gifts are:

  • Appropriate. If your special person has a collection, (books, antique paperweights, model cars, music memorabilia…) give a new piece as a sign of your appreciation of their passion. Because it’s part of a bigger collection, your contribution seems even more significant.
  • Appreciative. You may touch your favorite cook’s heart more with an herb planter than a dozen long-stemmed roses because it shows your took her interests into consideration.
  • Considered. Your Valentine may appreciate your thoughtfulness at avoiding the stereotypical box of chocolates and indulging her love of deluxe coffees and teas.

The key to giving affordable, meaningful Valentine’s Day gifts are to, sometimes litteraly, think outside the box. The best gift is one that shows you care about the person herself – and you can’t put a price on that.

How do you celebrate Valentine’s Day affordably?

Bonus Tip:

Did you know that you can save money with Netflix? Even if you don't plan on using the service, you should at least sign up for the Netflix free trial here to get some free movies for a month.

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