6 Simple Tips to Getting Organized

by Jessica Sommerfield · 0 comments

Personal organization is always one of the top New Year’s resolutions. Everyone wants to be organized because it can make every area of your life run more efficiently and eliminate the stress that clutter brings. Organization can even save you money as you discover items you misplaced or have a better grasp of your pantry’s inventory. As desirable a goal as organization is, it is much easier talked about than actually accomplished. Tackling clutter can be a daunting task, so here are some tips on how best to make your organization goals a reality.

Make a list. Yes, the best way to start your organization is with an organized approach! Make a list of what areas of your home or life you want to get organized (i.e., garage, pantry, kitchen cupboards). Add any specific ideas or plans you may have, such as the addition of shelving or storage bins. Whenever you feel like you’re getting off track, refer to your list for renewed direction and motivation. And, of course, cross off items are you accomplish them. Nothing feels better than being able to visualize your accomplishments.

Tackle one thing at a time. If you have a lot of areas to get organized, you can end up running from project to project, only partially completing them and therefore not accomplishing anything. Force yourself to stay on one task at a time. If you feel yourself getting burned out, take a break and do something else. Going away from a project for a while often brings clarity and ‘fresh eyes’ that can help you get past roadblocks.

Employ the help of friends. The best ideas often come from outside sources. If you’re feeling stumped or overwhelmed with a project, enlist a friend to help you gain new insight and offer fresh ideas. In return, you may be able to help them brainstorm how to organize an area of their home.

Use resources at the library and online. Instead of buying home decorating or organization magazines, consider checking them out at the library. Libraries keep a current edition of most popular magazines, and one of them is sure to have some tips that can help you. Numerous online articles exist to help you battle specific organization dilemmas, as well as free membership-based sites where you can interact on forums and seek personal advice.

Don’t be afraid to throw things away. In the course of your organization, you will probably discover many belongings that have outworn their use, never been used, or you have no idea where they came from. As you go through each room, set aside items to be thrown out, donated, or sold. Eliminating stuff you aren’t using will automatically ease your ability to organize. If you don’t have enough space for items you claim you still need, consider whether it’s worth the extra expense of building or renting additional storage. If the value of the items doesn’t outweigh that trouble and expense, get rid of them.

Enjoy the rewards. When you have finally reached your desired level of organization, enjoy the rewards of a more frugal, less stressful, and less cluttered life. If you feel particularly inspired, pass on what you’ve learned to others.

Bonus Tip:

Another way to save on your monthly Internet and TV costs is to find a current ATT U-Verse coupon code or at least a promotion to knock down your home service bill.

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