3 Things to Buy in the Fall

by Jessica Sommerfield · 0 comments

Fall is upon is and with the changing of the season comes the changing of the inventory in most retail stores. Although it can be tempting to only focus on what’s new for the upcoming season (since you’re going to be needing these things right now), it’s also a good idea to look back at the previous season, because this is where the deals will be. Certain things you won’t want to buy an entire year in advance. After all, you might not like it by next year; or,  in the case of clothing, be able to wear it.  The following are three categories that are usually wise to purchase in the fall, when you’ll get the best deals on useful items.

  1. Patio furniture, lawn & garden accessories
  2. Summer sports merchandise
  3. Perennial plants

Patio furniture can be very expensive and is usually classified as a want, not a need, so it gets pushed off to a time you have ‘extra’ money. The good news is that patio furniture is liquidated in the fall to make room for other seasonal merchandise. This can mean great savings on furniture you can still use until the snow flies or store to update your deck in the spring. If you watch carefully for the markdowns, you can save 50% or more. The same goes for other lawn and garden decorations, tools, and accessories. Exercise restraint in buying only items you’ll use, not just because they’re on sale.

In the fall, summer sporting goods get scaled down or removed from inventory to make way for hunting gear and winter sports accessories. While you won’t be using these items for another year, now is the time to think of anyone on your Christmas list who would enjoy new sports gear. At the right price, you can afford to purchase nice items that will make perfect gifts for the upcoming year. The best thing about sports gear is that it stores well and unlike clothes, doesn’t go out of style.

Fall is the wind-down of gardening season when hearty mums replace spring and summer flowers on the greenhouse racks. But what many people don’t know is that fall is the perfect time to plant perennials that bloom in the spring and summer. The soil is still warm and rich, and plants still have a few months to get well-established before the frost hits and winter sets in. End of season summer perennials are pushed out of stores and greenhouses at rock-bottom prices before they have to be disposed of, so you should have no problem finding good deals. While they don’t have to look perfect, choose plants that are healthy and strong.

While you’re at it, fall is the perfect time to split off some of your perennials so you’ll have an even larger garden next year, at no cost. You might also be able to get a deal on re-seeding your lawn, so if yours is due for an overhaul, fall is the time to do it.

It’s fall, and that means getting caught up in all the traditions, sights, smells, and tastes of the season. Enjoy the change, but don’t forget to look back at these items and get in on the past season’s savings.

Bonus Tip:

Another way to save on your monthly Internet and TV costs is to find a current ATT U-Verse coupon code or at least a promotion to knock down your home service bill.

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