Frugal Christmas: Gift Giving Strategies

by Miranda Marquit · 4 comments

One of the most difficult parts of the holiday season is all the extra spending that seems to happen. Buying Christmas gifts for everyone on your list can start to add up. The good news, though, is that things don’t have to get out of hand. After all, the amount you spend on a gift isn’t a true reflection of your love. You can have a frugal holiday season and still give thoughtful gifts. Here are some gift-giving strategies for the frugal minded.

Gift Exchanges

One of the best ways to help everyone save money on Christmas gifts is to have a gift exchange. You draw someone else’s name out of a hat, and get that person a gift. You can put a dollar limit on it as well, depending on what is affordable to most family members. This can be an especially helpful idea for large families, or those who exchange gifts with extended family members.

Homemade Gifts

One tenet of frugal living is to make things yourself. This can include Christmas gifts. My husband’s sister is quite artistic, and painted a large sand dollar with a cool picture of a dragon for me. It’s an awesome gift that I enjoy every day. Other homemade gifts can include baked goods, a memory book, and craft items. Write a note to go with the gift to add an even more personal touch.

One Gift for Multiple People

My mother’s brother’s family always gave us a family gift for Christmas, and we sent them one. This is a way to save, since you can buy a gift meant for everyone, rather than buying individual gifts. A board game that the family can play together is one great idea. You can also create a gift basket for the whole family. Movie night baskets are fairly inexpensive to put together, as are gift baskets with assorted cookies. This principle also works for couples.

Gift Cards

Gift cards are generally a bad idea, since many people don’t like giving low dollar amounts, such as $5. This can mean buying several gift cards worth more than you would like. However, you can get a larger denomination gift card for a couple or family. Another thing you can do is use sites like and Gift Card Granny to purchase discount gift cards. You can find $25 gift cards for between $10 and $20. It’s a great way to give a great gift while retaining your frugality.

Stocking Stuffers

It is fairly easy to stuff a stocking with frugality. You can visit dollar stores for great stocking stuffers, and even look at the clearance sections of major retailers. Stores like WalMart and Target often have small clearance items for $2 or less. You can use these as great stocking stuffers.

In the end, it’s possible to plan a frugal Christmas and stick to a gift budget. You may need to think ahead, and consider some alternative strategies, but there is no reason why you can’t give thoughtful and appreciated gifts and while maintaining a frugal lifestyle.

This post was featured in the Festival of Frugality.

Bonus Tip:

Another way to save on your monthly Internet and TV costs is to find a current ATT U-Verse coupon code or at least a promotion to knock down your home service bill.

{ 4 comments… read them below or add one }

Suzanne with Laughing Wallet November 20, 2010 at 10:04 am

I’m a big believer in homemade gifts – not only because they’re so cost-effective, but I think it means a lot to someone when you take the time and trouble to make something for them!

If you’ve got a big list, food is always a great idea – a cookie basket, homemade cocoa, etc. You can make a big batch that you divide up for several people (your other idea about one gift for multiple people!), and people like food gifts because they can use it and then it’s gone – they don’t have to find a place to store it! 🙂

Allison Shirk November 29, 2011 at 6:00 pm

Some great ideas, but let’s not just stock up on low cost junk from China. Avoid the big corporations and visit your local artist store for some handmade treats made locally. Give kids coupons for special things – One Custom Bedmaking. A special bubble bath. A voucher to take them to the movie or play a special board game of their choice. Cheap stocking stuffers are almost inevitably from China.

Allison Shirk November 29, 2011 at 6:01 pm

Some great ideas, but let’s not just stock up on low cost junk from China. Avoid the big corporations and visit your local artist store for some handmade treats made locally. Give kids coupons for special things – one custom bed-making. A special bubble bath. A voucher to take them to the movie or play a special board game of their choice. Cheap stocking stuffers are almost inevitably from China.

Nancy October 24, 2013 at 9:22 am

Does anyone know of any Canadian sites to purchase discounted gift cards from – I visited the sites linked and most of the stores are not yet in the Maritimes Provinces of Canada.

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