Earning Extra Income: What Do You Know?

by Miranda Marquit · 4 comments

A few weeks back, I wrote a post titled, 3 Thing You Can Do From Home for Additional Income. It prompted quite a bit of discussion. Including a number of people scoffing that the three things I highlighted (freelancing, starting a web site, and consulting) were unrealistic. I also received quite a bit of static because, apparently, I didn’t dwell enough on how hard it can be to earn extra money from home. My disclaimer wasn’t strong enough:

You may have to spend some time getting things started, but after a while, you might find that you can create a steady income from the comfort of your home.

Additionally, adding qualifiers to the post, including if you know how to and something you are knowledgeable about and if you know a lot about something, and if you have the credentials, weren’t strong enough to convey the idea that it’s not all just a walk through the park. I suppose I could have focused more on the difficulties associated with earning money from home. However, my list wasn’t meant to be comprehensive, and I even added a couple extra ideas in the closing paragraph. I had hoped to get people thinking about things they could do from home, or about skills that could translate into three very broad opportunities to make more money.

Capitalizing on What You Know

The key to earning extra income from home is capitalizing on what you know. You need to step back, and think about what you are good at, or about the knowledge and expertise that you have. My husband has a knack for statistics. He was recently paid a pretty decent wage as a consultant to perform a data analysis for a local hospital. He did most of the work on his laptop, sitting on the couch. Does he plan to work from home full time? No. But he doesn’t mind offering his services for a little extra income.

Naturally, I couldn’t offer my services in the area of data analysis; I lack the proper education and credentials. I also couldn’t freelance effectively as a graphic designer or software programmer, like two of my friends do. I don’t have the necessary skills and experience. My sister-in-law crochets beautifully, and sells her creations. She has a talent I cannot duplicate (even though I have crocheted hot pads and scarves) without investing more time than I am willing to. She is also creative enough to make original patterns to sell online. She supplements her husband’s income (he’s a research student) nicely by working from home.

Look at what you enjoy doing, and what you are good at. If you are creative, there are places online where you can sell your wares, photos, and artwork. My wedding cake was made by a woman in my parents’ neighborhood; she produces these wedding cakes as part of her home business to provide high-end confections. If you have knowledge of English, math, science or composition, you can tutor others from home. For a brief period of time, I taught piano lessons to neighborhood kids. I discovered, though, that I don’t have the temper for teaching, even though I had the requisite skill and knowledge.

Yes, earning income from home takes hard work, dedication, and time. But if you start with something you know, and look for ways to turn it into an income stream, you can find success, earning a little more money for your family.

Bonus Tip:

You can seriously cut your Internet and TV costs. Find a Verizon FiOS promotion code here and you might be able to spend less every month.

{ 4 comments… read them below or add one }

PrettyWoman April 18, 2012 at 9:04 am

Another way to make extra money working from the home.
My niece-in-law has started a going business selling high end items on E-Bay.
Neice in law started from scratch selling smaller items, working out of her home. Her business has taken off considerably while at present selling items from major high end outlet stores to name a few. Other items selling include: shoes; kitchen items; clothing, etc. She has grown her business whereby she has had to hire an assistant from another state who does most of her buying for her.
Her earnings gross approx. $45K a month give or take to supplement she and her husband’s monthly income.

Samantha April 22, 2012 at 8:29 pm

I’m a freelance graphic artist and recently started my own business from home but its hard to get clients. Which makes it hard to build a portfolio with which to impress new potential clients. One of the things I do is look in classifieds and offer some free work to certain places but no bites yet. Any thoughts on methods to drum up clientele without spending alot of money on advertising materials?

Lifeisdynamic January 16, 2013 at 9:41 pm

Samantha, I know nothing what-so-ever about graphic art, nor about selling online. I know many who do buy and sell online.
There are existing websites which might accept advertising on their sites and which compliment what you are doing but do not conflict. I understand the fees charged for some of these sites are miniscule. For example, a friend who writes a travel blog of her own experiences, has had numerous requests from others in a related business field to advertise on her site. She is paid a small monthly remuneration from each advertiser. How much income it generates for the advertisers I can’t verify. It must work or it would not be happening. There is an awful lot of it around.
Anyway, no doubt you have considered all this and it is now around 9 months since you asked the question.

Jaye Foster March 26, 2013 at 7:58 pm

Are you for real?! People actually gave you greef for giving them FREE assistance, information, Ideas and advise, on how they can improve there income, there finances and there overall life (generally speaking of course). When I read this I was Floored.
I have come to the conclusion that there are a number of people in this world… That I call “unpleasable’s”. No matter what you do, no matter how you try to help them, no matter if it is for FREE, It simply isn’t enough …
I can only say, I feel sad for those people. I cant imagine living in a self created world of misery where to much is never enough. Personally, I found your information worth while and informative. Don’t listen to “The Unpleasable’s”, just keep up the good work! There are many of us that appreciate you and your efforts to make our lives a better place to live in!

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