Cut Your Cell Phone Service Charges Down to Size

by Gina Blitstein · 0 comments

Cell phones are an ubiquitous part of life nowadays, connecting us in so many ways for so many purposes. When phones were basic, so was billing which simply charged for the minutes we used. The smartphones we use today function as much – if not more – as an Internet device as a telephone. Add data and text charges to a cell phone bill and before you know it, you’re looking at a substantial monthly expense!

But even that scenario is changing. New cellular service providers are playing by different rules than the major carriers, allowing consumers greater freedom, more options and considerably cheaper charges. Gone are the days of mandatory long-term contracts. Gone is the necessity to buy your service only from the major carriers.

If you have any hesitation about switching from a big name cell phone carrier to a lesser-known one, bear these facts in mind:

  • Many smaller cellular service providers use the same network as the larger companies, so reception quality and coverage is the same.
  • Wondering what’s the catch? Here’s one reason these smaller companies charge so much less for the same service: Large companies subsidize the cost of their phones, rolling it into the cost of your service. In other words, when you buy a phone from a large company from which you’re also getting service, you get a break on the cost of the phone but pay much more for monthly service. Choosing your carrier independently of your phone enables you to get much cheaper service.

Here’s our personal experience: We were until recently with Sprint, paying upwards of $170 a month for two lines and more minutes and data than we actually used. Since we were out of our two year contract, we investigated our options. We found a service provider called Ting that enabled us to continue to use our Sprint android phones (which meet our needs just fine for the time being) and drop our service to, depending upon our actual usage, the neighborhood of $40 per month. We’re now saving at least $130 a month for exactly the same Sprint network service.

Of course, when it’s time to buy new phones, we’ll pay full price but it won’t take long to recoup the cost with that $130 monthly saving! Ting turned out to be the best option for us because, as Sprint customers we could use our existing phones. If we’d been with another carrier, we would’ve needed to first buy a phone from Ting at full price to get their low rate for service. As an added bonus, moving to Ting allows us to use our devices’ hotspots with no extra fees. On Sprint, needed to pay an additional $10 per month for the same ability, whether we used it or not.

  • Even if you’re still under contract, some smaller companies offer credit toward cancellation fees to make switching an even more attractive option.

Since you’re acquainted with your cell phone, your plan, your usage and your bill, it really is worth the time to research what’s available for you.

Check with your present carrier to at least make certain you’re on the most advantageous plan for your use and number of devices. Many of the big companies are tailoring their plans based upon the popularity of the little guys’ no-contract plans.

Also, read this informative article about no-contract plans: The Best Cheap Prepaid Phone Plans You’ve Never Heard Of.

It’s empowering to know that  we have more choice than ever in this potentially pricey area. Seize your power and save a lot!

How much could you save on your cell phone service?

Bonus Tip:

Another way to save on your monthly Internet and TV costs is to find a current ATT U-Verse coupon code or at least a promotion to knock down your home service bill.

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