Carpet Your Home in Quality

by Gina Blitstein · 0 comments

Your carpet’s condition can make or break the appearance of your home. Little else can make your house look as dingy as worn, dirty carpet. On the other hand, your house’s appearance can be greatly enhanced by the look of freshly installed, clean carpeting. Starting with good quality carpet, then taking care of it properly, will keep your floors looking good for many years to come.

New carpeting can be an expensive home improvement, so it’s best to consider it a long-term investment in the beauty of your living space. As with most major purchases, paying a bit more for better quality is the wise decision. How can you make the most of your carpet investment?

Choosing the right carpeting for your home

Select appropriate carpet according to these guidelines:

  • Choose carpeting with well-made backing. The backing is the mesh of woven ‘construction fibers’ which hold the individual carpet yarns together. Since it serves as the carpet’s foundation, the quality of that backing is an important determining factor in the carpet’s durability.
  • Choose carpet with a tight pile. Pile refers to how densely the carpet fibers are distributed. The tighter the pile, the more durable the carpet. When the pile is tight, less dirt will penetrate and cause the friction on the fibers which leads to wear.
  • Choose quality padding. Padding is attached directly to the floor and creates a barrier between the floor and carpet, minimizing friction. The thicker the padding, the better for reducing carpet wear. Six pound padding or higher is recommended for optimal carpet life.

Quality of installation matters

Once you’ve chosen quality carpet, ensure that it’s installed properly by hiring a professional installer. There’s a lot more to proper carpet installation than simply laying it on the floor. Poorly installed carpet will move and ripple, causing unnecessary wear. If your carpet moves or has ripples, hire a professional installer to fix it.

Care and feeding of carpets

Ok, your quality carpet is properly installed and your house is looking great. It’s time for the party. Oops — a spill! Can your carpet be saved? Don’t panic: most carpet stains can be easily cleaned, especially when you act quickly. First, remove any solid material by lifting vertically Next, working from the outside in, blot with a clean, white absorbent towel until dry. Never rub. Only blot! Rinse thoroughly with clean water and blot dry again.

Since all stains are not created (or removed) equally, consult a reputable source (such as How to Remove Every Type of Carpet Stain on to guide you in the treatment of specific stains.

Be aware that clean carpets not only look better but last longer too. Dirt down in the carpet fibers wears away at the yarn and backing, leading to wear. It’s recommended you vacuum your carpets a minimum of once per week, more often in high-traffic areas.

Steam cleaning is recommended every 12 to 18 months, by a professional service or with a do-it-yourself steam machine. When cleaning them yourself, be certain to rinse and dry carpets thoroughly. Residual soap in the fibers attracts dirt which will actually make your carpet dirtier again sooner. If your carpeting doesn’t dry within 6 to 12 hours, it could become damaged from being wet too long; if it remains wet for more than 24 hours, bacteria and mildew will begin to grow.

Don’t let the cost and care of your carpet ‘floor’ you! These tips will help you choose quality carpet in the first place, then care for it so that you get the most from your flooring investment.

What are your best carpet care suggestions?

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